Friday, November 15, 2013


Obama's spiritual advisor has told him he should pray and then follow his conscience. Forget about the Word of God. But the truth is that if your mind is not renewed according to the Word of God your conscience is defiled by your worldly beliefs. A cannibal who gets saved may still think it is ok to eat people until he reads in the bible that God says " Thou shalt not kill."

Obama and many other democrats should take heed to what the bible has to say about any subject, such as abortion, before they pray. Otherwise, they risk being deceived. It is the word that they tejected that will judge them on the last day. Jesus said, " Why do you call me Lord and do not the things that I say? ",

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Another one of America's foundational pillars has been torn down down- the presumption of innocence Data on everyone is now being collected and stored under the presumption that it may be needed at some point. In other words, if you resist the agenda of those in power, they will be able to analyze your past activites in order to accuse you of some violation of the myriad of laws, rules and regulations put in place in order to force you to comply. Nobody is 100% compliant, so you are a criminal waiting to be apprehended. If you are docile and go along with the government's evil agendas such as abortion on demand, homosexuality, power grabs like Obamacare, you need not worry. But woe unto them that dissent. The government will descend on you like a vulture on a carcass. The data will be scrutinized and you will be found guilty and branded as a criminal.

Welcome to the liberals Amerika. Headed by dictator-in-chief Obama and his czar appointees like Sebellious, Holder, Clapper etc., the moment is ripening for a smack-down of all opposition. The next election will be rigged to assure a complete liberal takeover.

Only God can save America. If his people who are called by his name will pray and seek his face and turn from their wicked ways, then he will hear from heaven and forgive their sins and heal their land. God is in control but will not intervene on behalf of a luke warm church that is only interested in self aggrandizement. America started strong, but will it finish strong? God is looking for a few good citizens to stand in the gap.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


POTUS Obama's erroneous viewpoint that Islam is a benign ideology has resulted in the death of four Americans in Benghazi. For years now, Obama has been indoctrinating employees in his administration to edit out any reports that would portray the Muslim community in a poor light. In Benghazi, this led to a decision to not attempt to rescue our people being attacked by Muslims lest we might harm or kill any demonstrators along with terrorists. American lives were expendable to maintain good relations with the Muslim community.

 Islam is a cancerous ideology bent on world domination by converting weak-minded individuals to its' beliefs. It is the anti-Christ religion that proclaims that God has no Son. Muslims do not assimilate into the American concept of peaceful co-existence. The Koran states that infidels and Jews who refuse to convert to Islam should be put to death. Women are treated as property of men and must be beaten into submission.

POTUS Obama is a Muslim sympathizer whose failure to recognize the dangers inherrent in such an ideolgy has weakened the governments ability to defend Americans both here and abroad. God help us by raising up patriots willing to stand for Christian values and virtues. Jesus is our Lord and His truth is marching on.

Saturday, May 26, 2012


Economy suffering as America reaps what it has sown by killing 55 million preborn babies. Not enough young people to fund Social Security because 55 million were killed in American's death camps for the preborn. God is unable to bless us as a nation while we are reviling in disobedience. Satan has blinded the minds of the media and the liberals who think they can succeed on their own reasoning.

Thursday, May 10, 2012


POTUS is determined to change America from a capitalist nation under the God of the Holy Bible to a socialist nation open to Muslim takeover. Christians will still be able to meet in church as long as they don't try to influence the operation of the secular governments at every level. Anyone who opposes this overthrow of our Christian culture will be attacked by the administration in the same manner as Sherrif Arpaio is now under assault. The U.S.Constitution will be declared to be a living document, changeable at the POTUS's discretion by Executive Order. If citizens rebel against any of the coming draconian changes, they will be labeled as domestic terrorists and placed in indoctrination camps. By 2016, America will be a de-facto one party government with President Obama trading places with a self-appointed successor, back and forth in a manner much like Russia's Putin.

If  Mr. Obama is re-elected, welcome to Amerika, the new socialist republic. If Mr. Obama is re-elected, we the people will deserve our fate having witnessed the actions of a man who disrespects the foundations on which our nation was built ( that is,  faith in the God of the Holy Bible, freedom to exercise free-will within the established boundaries of the constitution inspired by the principles in the Bible and protection from tyranny by an over-reaching federal government having abandoned their role as servants of the people ) and not having rebuked such disrespect in the voting booths.

Sunday, April 22, 2012



Why can't the Democrats and the liberals connect the dots? Because Satan has blinded their minds to the truth. They claim to be Christians but they deny the word. Jesus is the Word.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Things Someone Should Teach Obama

Auto companies are rebounding but not by building cars in America.

National unions don't create wealth, they take it from the creators and give it to workers while enriching their leaders. This is the socialist model.

Wealth is created by those who refuse to accept the status quo and work for a better solution regardless of their position in life. It is not created from the bottom up because the cream tends to rise to the top.

Government is not ordained to create wealth; it is ordained to perpetuate an orderly society wherein the people have freedom to create wealth.

An ungodly nation can not remain free just as an ungodly person should not remain free. The wages of sin is death.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Killing babies in the womb reduces the population and diminishes wealth.

Praise the Lord and the land will give its' increase.


Why can't we grasp the simple fact that God controls the fate of nations. Satan wants to create chaos. God wants us to learn to love one another. If we obey God by acknowledging his existence and rule, than we can live in peace. God will keep Satan from destroying our nation.

America began with an understanding of this knowledge. With the exception of slavery, its' citizens lived in relative peace with one another. Beginning in the fifties, America embarked on a course to disavow the lordship of Jesus Christ and to be the masters of our own fate. Separation of church and state became the mantra espoused by many. Turning towards an ungodly course of embracing sin such as the love of money, no-fault divorce, promiscuity, abortion and the asexual agenda, America has drifted far off its' God-set course. In fact, we have thrown away our moral compass and are headed towards Hell on earth. What can be done about it?

" If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, than I will hear from heaven, and forgive their sins, and heal their land. " 2 Chronicles 7:14. It is up to Christians in America to:

                                 HUMBLE THEMSELVES
                                 SEEK GODS' FACE
                                 TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS

Obviously, we have not done this as the church can not even agree on the right to life of a human being in the form of an unborn child. Many who call themselves Christians go along with whatever comes along, having long ago discarded their moral compass the Holy Bible. What is needed is repentance, national repentance before Satan's chaotic schemes prevail and America comes under his total reign.