Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Another one of America's foundational pillars has been torn down down- the presumption of innocence Data on everyone is now being collected and stored under the presumption that it may be needed at some point. In other words, if you resist the agenda of those in power, they will be able to analyze your past activites in order to accuse you of some violation of the myriad of laws, rules and regulations put in place in order to force you to comply. Nobody is 100% compliant, so you are a criminal waiting to be apprehended. If you are docile and go along with the government's evil agendas such as abortion on demand, homosexuality, power grabs like Obamacare, you need not worry. But woe unto them that dissent. The government will descend on you like a vulture on a carcass. The data will be scrutinized and you will be found guilty and branded as a criminal.

Welcome to the liberals Amerika. Headed by dictator-in-chief Obama and his czar appointees like Sebellious, Holder, Clapper etc., the moment is ripening for a smack-down of all opposition. The next election will be rigged to assure a complete liberal takeover.

Only God can save America. If his people who are called by his name will pray and seek his face and turn from their wicked ways, then he will hear from heaven and forgive their sins and heal their land. God is in control but will not intervene on behalf of a luke warm church that is only interested in self aggrandizement. America started strong, but will it finish strong? God is looking for a few good citizens to stand in the gap.


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