Sunday, January 29, 2012


A careful reading of the U. S. Constitution shows that :

President Obama does not have authority to reduce the size of the military since Article 1, section 8 grants power to raise and support armies to Congress.

President Obama does not have authority to fill a vacancy of an Officer of the United States unless such vacancy happens during the recess of the Senate according to Article 2, section 3.

President Obama cannot tell the AG not to enforce DOMA and must secure our borders as he is required to take care that the laws be faithfully executed according to Article 2, section 3.

President Obama and/or Congress cannot apply any bill including Obamacare to require any Christian to violate their conscience as Article 1 of the Bill of Rights bans Congress from making any law prohibiting the free exercise of their religion. An exception must be included in any bill to allow religious people of all faiths to practice their religion.


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