Tuesday, November 30, 2010


What is wrong with you?

 God says "thou shalt not kill". A lot of you vote for pro-abortion candidates.

God says homosexuality is an abomination. A lot of you think it is ok for gays, really sexual perverts, to be considered as an alternate lifestyle and accepted as a civil right.

When America falls because a lot of you go along with the evil instead of standing for truth, don't complain to God. He says if you love him, obey his commandments.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Then put God first. Our federal government has evolved into an adversary of God. Guess whose losing out? We need to honor God and his Word as our forefathers did or we might as well pack it up and learn to speak another language or languages.

We want to kill babies. God says "Thou shalt not kill".
We want to elevate homosexuality to a normal lifestyle. God calls it an abomination.
We want to call pornography free speech. God clothed Adam and Eve.
We want to legitimatize adultery. God says sex outside of marriage is sin.
We want to separate Church and State. God says "righteousness exalts a nation".

Gods modis operandi is to give people over to that which they love. But he warns people that sin has consequences. The wages of sin is death. This applies to individuals and nations. Many nations are no longer subject to God's visitation. These nations are dead to him. America is is still subject to God's visitation. That is a good thing because he will still bless those things that glorify him and strive with us to repent where we have gone astray. He is allowing us to destroy our economy through lack of wisdom to wake us up.

911 would not have happened if our leaders were awake.
Fort Hood would not have happened if our leaders were awake.
The financial collapse would not have happened if our leaders were awake.

AWAKE AMERICA! Elect leaders who will put God first. Pray for them. Hold them accountable. If they put you in a position that would cause you to dishonor God by your obedience, than it is better to obey God than man.


Bankruptcy should have eliminated national and/or international union involvement in GM going forward. It should have withdrawn foreign manufacturing and expanded USA operations. To try to rebuild GM on a smaller scale without resolving the major causes that led to its failure will doom it to fail again. Global focus will do nothing to produce jobs in America.

National and/or international unionization is the #1 cause of a lack of jobs in America. It has made us an importer of goods more than an exporter of goods. Unions are good on a company scale to give the worker a unified voice. On a national and/or international scale they are counter-productive to innovation, efficiency of operations and competitiveness. For these reasons, American corporate law must be changed to outlaw national and/or international unionization.

Government must summon industry leaders to explain to the American public why it is going outside of our borders to produce goods and what must be done to change this trend. Those changes must be inplemented to save our economy. If we continue to lose jobs to other countries, rebellion and crime will increase leading to chaos.

It is a time for honesty. The alternative is to see America become a bankrupt, third world nation.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Humanism, secularism and atheism are all sinful practices because they deny God his rightful place as Creator. God says that mortals can look at nature and know that there is a God. The heavens declare the glory of God.

While mortals seek to explain the complexities of nature absence of the Creator, they are showing themselves to be fools according to God. Perhaps they will never seek after God; but, they should at least acknowledge him as Creator. To not do so displays a degree of pride that is hard to understand. Pride is at the root of most sin.

My prayer is that all those in the above groups would repent from their pride and that God would give all  who do further revelation of his existence as they humble themselves and read the Holy Bible. Hopefully they will come to know him as Lord and Saviour before they die and stand before him on the judgement day.