Tuesday, December 14, 2010


The U.S.Constitution gives the U.S.Congress power to regulate commerce between the several states. It does not give them power to create new powers under the guise of regulating commerce. This clause was intended to control the flow of goods and services in such a manner that one state would not stop said flow via taxation or tariffs or by gaining an unfair advantage in the delivery of goods and services through some other means.

Obamacare is creating a new federal power not granted to it in the U.S.Constitution, the power to control the manner in which a person can receive health care, the extent to which they can receive it and penalizing those who decline to receive it. Some how, the U.S.Congress thinks this intrusion into the workings of the existing health care system is justified by the commerce clause. Hog wash!

There may be some problem with states forbidding other states from delivering goods or services across state lines. This can and should be addressed through appropriate legislation. But this cannot be used as an excuse for the creation of a national health care system. A person's health care is their own responsibility. Each person has the right to procure insurance and health care or not according to the dictates of their conscience and financial ability.

If the federal government wants to provide health care to all citizens, let it do so by getting an amendment to the U.S. Constitution and not by subterfuge.

Wednesday, December 08, 2010


Give yourself a Christmas present. Eternal life. Jesus paid for it with his blood on the cross. He offers salvation to you as a gift. All he wants in return is your love.

Are you a Jew? No problem. Are you a Muslim? No problem. Are you an atheist? No problem. Are you a homosexual? No problem. Whosoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Merry Christmas

Saturday, December 04, 2010

Homosexuality Is Not Normal Behavior

Homosexuals know it and everyone else knows it. Why are we trying to push this godless agenda on our children and on our military?  To try to make homosexuality a civil right is the same as saying stealing is OK because your redistributing wealth to those who need it.

Both behaviors must be restrained by any society that wants to endure. We will not eliminate either one because man has a sinful nature. This is why government must promote Christianity because only God can give a person the Holy Spirit when that person accepts Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit has power over the demons that have deceived some into thinking that their aberrant behavior is normal.

Our founding fathers were godly men that understood this. Many of our current leaders are not practicing Christians and are themselves deceived. This is the main reason that we need to elect practicing Christians to lead our nation. Righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to it according to God.

Friday, December 03, 2010


They want to eliminate Christmas and replace it with the holiday season. Christmas is unconstitutional. Even though every signer of the constitution  acknowledged signing it "in the Year of Our Lord".

Secularists ignore all the precedence, stare decisis, that clearly proves that America is a Christian nation and was so from the beginning. They ignorantly proclaim separation of church and state in spite of  historical facts showing this was not the practice of our founding fathers nor our government until recent attempts to make it so.

Article 1 of the Bill of Rights was meant to keep the government from mandating one form of worshiping God over another. It did not mean to exclude the government from promoting Christianity and the reading of the Holy Bible as a way to benefit society. It recognized and was part of our Christian culture at the time the Bill of Rights was passed.

Now the secularists want to rewrite our history and reinterpret our constitution to further their own godless agenda. It's time for them to shut up. Christians are tired of listening to their babbling. They want to rebuild the tower of Babel not knowing that God destroyed the original one and will not allow another to be built.